import math import numpy as np def correl(x, y): tmp = np.cov(x, y) return tmp[0][1] / math.sqrt(tmp[0][0]*tmp[1][1]) def makeGametes(parent_genes): # Randomly choose one chromosome from each chromsome-pair. n = parent_genes.shape[0] chromosome_pairs = parent_genes.shape[1] i = np.arange(0, n * chromosome_pairs * 2, 2) + np.random.randint(0, 2, n * chromosome_pairs) return parent_genes.flatten()[i].reshape((n, chromosome_pairs)) def sim(n, chromosome_pairs, h, mating_r, estimate_num): # This model assumes 0 common environment. # It assumes the correlation between mom and dad phenotype is driven by equal correlations between mom and dad phenotype and mom and dad unshared environment. # Construct a random dad. dad_genes = np.random.normal(0, 1, (n, chromosome_pairs, 2)) # dad_genotypes = np.sum(dad_genes, axis=(1,2)) / math.sqrt(2 * chromosome_pairs) # dad_env = np.random.normal(0, 1, n) # dad_phenotypes = h * dad_genotypes + math.sqrt(1 - h*h) * dad_env # Construct a mom such that her phenotype correlates with the dad's phenotype with the given `mating_r`. mom_genes = mating_r * dad_genes + np.random.normal(0, math.sqrt(1 - mating_r*mating_r), (n, chromosome_pairs, 2)) # mom_genotypes = np.sum(mom_genes, axis=(1,2)) / math.sqrt(2 * chromosome_pairs) # mom_env = mating_r * dad_env + np.random.normal(0, math.sqrt(1-mating_r*mating_r), n) # mom_phenotypes = h * mom_genotypes + math.sqrt(1 - h*h) * mom_env # Construct child and monozygotic twin. sperm = makeGametes(dad_genes) eggs = makeGametes(mom_genes) child_genotypes = (np.sum(sperm, axis=1) + np.sum(eggs, axis=1)) / math.sqrt(2 * chromosome_pairs) child_phenotypes = h * child_genotypes + np.random.normal(0, math.sqrt(1 - h*h), n) mz_phenotypes = h * child_genotypes + np.random.normal(0, math.sqrt(1 - h*h), n) # Construct dizygotic twin. sperm = makeGametes(dad_genes) eggs = makeGametes(mom_genes) dz_genotypes = (np.sum(sperm, axis=1) + np.sum(eggs, axis=1)) / math.sqrt(2 * chromosome_pairs) dz_phenotypes = h * dz_genotypes + np.random.normal(0, math.sqrt(1 - h*h), n) # Compute and return what a naive twin study would yield as an estimate of heritability. r_mz = correl(child_phenotypes, mz_phenotypes) r_dz = correl(child_phenotypes, dz_phenotypes) if estimate_num == 0: return 2*(r_mz - r_dz) elif estimate_num == 1: return r_mz else: assert False print('') print(' ') print(' ' + ''.join(f'' for x in range(11)) + '') print('') for i in range(11): h2 = i / 10 html = ' ' for j in range(11): r = j / 10 np.random.seed(51243) x = sim(1000000, 23, math.sqrt(h2), r, 0) html += '' html += '' print(html) print('
h2Father-Mother Correlation
' + str(round(100*h2)) + '%' + f"{x:.3f}" + '